mac osx

Grab and drag any part of the Mac window to move it 2021. 8. 8. 17:11

In order to move a window in a general GUI environment, the hand moving the mouse becomes a little tired because it is necessary to precisely grab the title part of the window and move it. In Linux, however, you can drag and drop by grabbing any part of the window by holding down the Alt key (or the Window key, depends on your distribution and can be set by the user). If you're like me, who adjust window position relatively often, this feature is really useful.

Recently, it has become inevitable to use a Mac a lot. And it made me want to have this feature on my Mac as well. However, since the operation using the touchpad has been greatly enhanced in the Mac instead, I thought that these functions would not exist by default. I vaguely thought that I had to find and install something like an additional tweak utilily. But, as a result of googleing just in case, I found out that I can use this feature in a surprisingly simple way.(It's a bit disappointing to have to press two keys)

You can move a window by grabbing any part of the window while holding Ctrl+Cmd key. Execute below commands to activate or deactivate

# activate
$ defaults write -g NSWindowShouldDragOnGesture -bool true

# deactivate
$ defaults delete -g NSWindowShouldDragOnGesture

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